Sunday, August 30, 2009

32 weeks

wahh..sedar tak sedar i dah 32 weeks pregnant-the 8th month of my pregnancy... a few weeks time insyaallah me n mylocx dah ada zuriat sendiri.alhamdulillah..

as for me..i'm in a good health so far...cuma simptom2 3rd trimester tu memang adala kan..
sometimes, sakit pinggang la..sakit belakang la..but not severe la..
plus susah nak tido comfortably sebab perut makin besar and berat kan..hihi.
and baby bucuk ni plak semakin active dok tendang sana tendang sini, cucuk sana cucuk sini..
and kadang2 sakit kat lower abdomen tu..doc kata due to baby's head kat bawah..
but i still leh tahan lagila semua2 tu..

sebaik ada mylocx bagi mental and physical support..hehe.
tapi tula kalo dia ada..i ni dok manja terlebih..jgnla baby bucuk ni manja lebih2 jugak..haha.
dahla kdg2 tu pemalas tahap gaban..skang ni asyik rasa sleepy je macam awal2 preggy dulu..cume bezanya tak mabuk je la.
pantang tgk mylocx rest..i pun nak nyibuk sama...
hmm..tapi kitorang selalu outing together..and jalan2..
so adala exercise sket kan.hoho..takdela memerap je kat umah..and so far, i masih gagah meneruskan puasa..
yela sementara school holiday kan..
nanti dah start keje balik tak taula larat ke tak..harap2 tahan la.huhu.

pastu..skang ni i always experience shortness of breath..
yela, uterus is growing bigger kan..tak selesa betul kdg2 tuh..
i pun kena be careful of feeling faint as in the last few weeks the blood tends to pool in the lower limbs resulting in low blood pressure...
hmm lagi2 time puasa ni kan..
haihh..ada sebulan lebih lagi before my expected due date.nervous plak tetiba.hehe.

oh ya..last n mylocx went to Ampang Puteri SH for routine check-up..
alhamdulillah everything is fine...
and this time, our precious little one have given the opportunity to the doc to predict his/her gender..

hmm..cuba teka?effa jr or locx jr?hehe..

apepun..we just want to wait for the baby's arrival..baru puas hati..he.

okie..selamat hari merdeka to all!


Nur Diana said...

haih.. selamat meyambut baby.. happy resting.. ko dh cuti dh kan?? aku plak yg bedebar.. huhu..

ladylocx said...

hi yan..


maternity leave ke?..belum lagi.hehe.
aku lagila berdebar!..huhu