Saturday, May 30, 2009


I'm now entering my 20th week of pregnancy.My protruding belly proudly declaring i'm gonna be a mom soon.I'm also experiencing and feeling my unborn baby wiggling and i it kicking??i'm not quite sure how i felt when the baby moves for the first time. However, as i'm getting used to it, i think i'm quite excited as other moms would feel. The lower abdomen sometimes feel sore from the growing belly...and also frequent needs to go to the bathroom.haha.somehow bladder ni dah tak boleh nak contain too much fluid.

The second trimester can feel absoultely invigorating. The morning sickness becomes a mere unpleasant memory as my appetite comes back with a vengeance.Semua i nak..itu nak, ini nak..rasa macam tamak semacam.haha.However, heartburn, indigestion, and flatulence are frequent though. So i still need to be careful with the food intake.

Should i do the ultrasound now? Most physicians request that moms receive an ultrasound to determine that the baby-to-be is developing normally..and of course, whether it's pink or blue shirts it's gonna be.Tipulah kalau kata we're not interested in knowing our baby's gender.But, i think it's too early.Don't u think so?
Because i've read somewhere that there's no advantage to performing an ultrasound if a woman's pregnancy is otherwise normal and healthy...but still, there's no harm trying kan and getting a chance to finally see their unborn babies.First pregnancy la katakan..;p.

oh ya..last saturday, we did some shopping for our little unborn baby at OU. Ada grand sale kan kat Parkson and at most shops.Beli sikit2la kan.Mylocx did some surveys on expensive items like the stroller, car seat, crib/playpen etc. Me? heart just melt to see all those tiny and cute little stuffs that i almost forgot to do the survey as well.haha.Well, we finally agreed to buy some onesies, footies, shirts, washclothes, bibs and a few pairs of mittens & booties. We bought mostly at Mom's Care...all in universal colors..;p.I really hope i'm not gonna end up being a compulsive shopper.haha.Can i? Sometimes last minute purchases may also turn someone into a compulsive shopper as they tend to buy unnecessary things.I'm not worried about mylocx.He's a real mastermind when it comes to money, saving, quality and oppurtinism..;p..It's me i'm worried about.So, i guess i'll avoid too last minute shopping and may be the best way is to ask another parent’s opinion. He or she will be able to indicate which items are necessities and which ones aren’t helpful in caring for a newborn.


Nadya said...

eh since preggy xpenah wat ultrasound ke?i dulu everytime check up itu je kejenye..scan.

sonoknye shopping baby stuff..take care!

ladylocx said...

oh pernah.hehe.

ms 3 months tu dah wat.cume yg nak tau gender ni lom wat lg la.he.

take care jugak k.