Thursday, June 24, 2010


it's 11.40 p.m.

i'm not sleepy.minum Milo Mocha so nilah akibatnya.haha.

sofea n mylocx are in the living room. sofea tidoq nyenyak. satgi la bawa masuk bilik. mylocx is working sambil tengok bola la.ape lagi..;p Dahla tu..Italy gerenti bungkus. Memang best bile mylocx kerja kat rumah je ni. the thing is, he's worried of his health condition. Sedentary lifestyle la katakan. Hmm harap2 pasni ade chance la kerja normal hour plak. Dalam seminggu, ada bape kali je dia kerja kat office.

haihh..naik cuti sekolah ni hectic abess! Loads of works! sampai tak tau nak siapkan mana dulu. haha. bila fikir2 orang lain pun byk kerja juga. so siapkan la slow2 apa yg boleh. thank God esok dah jumaat. i like friday! sbb dah nak weekend. haha

hmm apelagi nak babbling ni? esok pagi gerenti liat giler nak bangun. tula gatai tidoq lambat. gatai pi minum mocha in the first place. kihkih. udah2la tu effa. i really dun have a point kan? better go to sleep. sementara tunggu ngantuk boleh pk pk apa aktiviti weekend ni.


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