Wednesday, September 30, 2009

my 37th week


i'm taking an mc today..coz i dun feel comfortable to walk and feeling a bit tired..semalam pi check-up as usual..doc tanya takde rasa sakit2 ke?..

well..ade la jugak..tapi i dun think it's time yet..doc kata tanda2hampir bersalin tu da ade la..
ok simptom yg i alami sekarang ialah...

selalu nak pee pee..tapi kdg2 pergi tak kua sgt pun..;p
selalu nak poo poo jugak..samela pesen nya cam pee pee tu..;p
bila baby stretch..oo agak sakitla..perut tu cam mengeras gitu.. (skang semakin sakit)
sometimes...ade rasa cramp mcm mild period pain... (tapi sgt jarang)..n takdela intense.. so i kindda tahan jela..hihi.
and after 'bersama' suami...(ops)..the mild contraction (ala2period pain) will definitely occur..
(haa yg ni doc pun suggest coz she said, it will help in lubricating 'the area' and the cramping is due to the prostaglandins in semen and the contraction of pelvic muscles.
The cramping, however, should be mild and short-lived. Kalo intense, kena get ready utk pergi hospital. Kiranya there's probability the true labor can occur after sexual intercourse.hoho.

Doc pun buat regular scanning as far the baby dah exceed 2.5kg..kira above the minimum weigtla..around 2.7kg cmtuh..doc kata plg awal this week kot bersalin..just get ready je la kalo ade ape2hal..pergi je hospital..
in case false labor, we just have to go back home..
and kalo true labor, well..kena admitted la kan..;p.

i surely did some readings on the early signs of true labor..
so far i hanya experience tanda2 HAMPIR bersalin..
tanda2 proses bersalin tu lum lagi kot. (iyela tu..confident je)...
apepun, kena doa banyak2la kan..i still can drive to work..(manual car ok..tapi doc pun kata no prob sbb i xde apa2 masalah sekarang ni..cuma kurang2kan la kalo bleh)..tapi agk senak gakla kalo drive lama2..hihi.

aiyo..bertambah nervous i ni..tapi i still can't take my mind off work..sbb gile melambak tak sempat je nak settle kan semua before giving birth ni.huhu.

hmm banyakla open house n wedding reception yg i xdpt attend nanti..sorry sangat2 korang..
apepun..tahniah and semoga u all dirahmati Allah selalu..

k ade time i update lagi..if anything, i'll ask my dear hubby to update for me..
mmuahz..pray for me n the baby..;)


Nadya said...

uuuu tips berguna tu utk masa hadapan..haha

ish kene rate 18++..=)

ladylocx said...


tula pasal..harap2 xde budak below 18 yg baca..;p